From endearing characters to exhilarating music, this franchise continues to appeal to an eclectic gaming audience and propel Toby Fox into further (and well-deserved) recognition. This chapter of Deltarune reinforces the exemplary reputation of the series and solidifies it as its own entity, rather than a mere appendage to its extremely successful predecessor, Undertale. I guess like a pet cat that drops bugs at your doorstep, I can, with some pride, show you the weird things I’ve been doing.” As these indie projects entail immense effort from an intimate cohort of incredibly talented developers, he suggested in his statement that those who wish to support his work can purchase the soundtrack from Bandcamp. So I decided to release DELTARUNE Chapter 2 for free. 17 completely gratis, announcing on his website that “The world has been really tough for everybody recently. Fox issued Deltarune Chapter 2 to the public on Sept.
After three years, the long-awaited second installment of Toby Fox’s beloved Deltarune has been released.